Saturday, March 27, 2010


Once I killed a cactus. Who can kill a cactus? It hardly requires water, yet I killed it.

My excuse for killing it was that I was oversea for about 40 days, and never bothered to ask my parents whom I was living with at that time to care for the poor plant.

Again in college, I was unsuccessful to care for two potted plants. After that, I was called "Plant Killer."

Now 12 years later, I decided to give another try. I have tried potted flowers as well as vegetables. Had not tried many at the same time, and seems to be working. Now, I have Mizuna just sprouting in a big planter, another planter waiting for Shiso to be transplanted once they are ready indoor, a couple of pots with herbs, and more flowers in different sizes of pots on my tiny balcony. Everyday is exciting to see the changes in the plants and to observe the small growth they have made in a day.

Once a plant killer, not always a plant killer. And, I hope that is true...

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